
Belajar Grammar Present Continuous In Passive Form

NewsPendidikanku.Blogspot.com - Sebelumnya kita telah mempelajari Present Continuous, sekarang kita akan membahas mengenai Present Contionuous In Passive Form. Artikel ini adalah artikel lanjutan dari artikel artikel sebelumnya.
Belajar Grammar Present Continuous In Passive Form

Present Continuous In Passive Form

A little boy went to his dad and asked, "What is politics?"

Dad said, "Well son, let me try to explain it this way: I'm the breadwinner of the family, so let's call me capitalism. Your Mom, she's the administrator of the money, so we'll call her the Government. We're here to take care of your needs, so we'll call you the people. The nanny, we'll consider her the Working Class. And your baby brother, we'll call him the future. Now, think about that and see if that makes sense."

So the little boy went off to bed thinking about what dad had said.

Later that night, he heard his baby had severely soiled his diaper.

So the little boy went to his parent's room and found his mother sound asleep.

Not wanting to wake her, he went to the nanny's room.

Finding the door locked, he peep at the keyhole and saw his father in bed with the nanny.

He gave up and went back to bed.

The next morning, the little boy said to his father, "Dad, I think I understand the concept of politics now."

The father said, "Good son, tell me in your own words what you think politics all about."

The little boy replied, "Well, while Capitalism is screwing the Working Class, the Government is sound asleep, the People are being ignored and the Future us un deep shit.";

Kalimat yang dicetak miring di atas adalah contoh Kalimat Pasif Present Contiuous. Penggunaan Present Continuous Tense dalam bentuk pasif sama dengan bentuk kalimat aktifnya. Pola dasar kalimatnya adalah:
Subyek + To be (am, is, are) + being + Verb 3 + Complement
Complement pada pola kalimat di atas adalah kata atau beberapa kata yang terletak sesudah Verb 3. Bisa berupa pelaku, kata keterangan atau jenis kata lainnya. Complement bersifat tambahan, dan tidak harus ada.

Perhatikan Contoh kalimat di bawah ini!


  1. Rumahku sedang dicat.
  2. Saya sedang dihukum oleh ayah.
  3. Laporanku sedang diketik.
Kalimat tersebut dalam Bahasa Inggris akan menjai.
  1. My house is being painted
  2. I am being punished by my father
  3. My report is being typed.


  1. Ia tidak sedang diwawancarai
  2. Ali tidak sedang diinterogasi oleh polisi
  3. Masalah ini  tidak sedang didiskusikan.
Kalimat tersbut dalam Bahasa Inggris akan menjadi.
  1. He is not being interviewed
  2. Ali is not being interrogated by police
  3. The problems are not being discussed


  1. Apakah para korban sedang dievakuasi?
  2. Apakah jembatan layang sedang dibangun di Jakarta?
  3. Apakah bukumu sedang dicetak?
Kalimat tersebut dalam Bahasa Inggris akan menjadi.
  1. Are the victims being evacuated?
  2. Are flvovers being built in Jakarta?
  3. Is your book being printed?

Informatuves Questiions

Menanyakan Subyek

  1. Siapa yang sedang dikejar oleh polisi itu?
  2. Apa yang sedang dikerjakan oleh mereka?
  3. Siapa yang sedang dikubur?
Kalimat tersebut dalam Bahasa Inggris akan menjani.
  1. Who is being chased by the police?
  2. What is being done by them?
  3. Who is being buried?

Menanyakan Selain Subyek

  1. Mengapa rumahmu direnovasi?
  2. Bagaimana masalah itu sedang ditangani?
  3. Dimana komputermu diinstal ulang?
Kalimat tersebut dalam Bahasa Inggris akan menjadi.
  1. Why is your house being renovated?
  2. How is the problem being handled?
  3. Where is your computer being reinstalled?

Sekian artikel ini, Semoga dapat dimengerti dan bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Akhir kata. Sekian Terima Kasih.
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